Monday, January 2, 2012

God who takes care of those I love~

After all that concern~ the Duncan's are home safe and sound in Denver. I had the wrong number for the "ranch" house. I'm glad I restrained myself before calling the Kremmling police to check on them. My little grand is still sick and his mommy and daddy sound a tad bit worn out~ Time to rest their weary bones!

A great day today..slept in, tea, monkeyed around, and off to see "War Horse". Sweet story, a bit long, a bit to much war, but touching~

The holiday's are officially coming to a close. What a nice time we had from Christmas Eve Day all the way through. Many warm memories, promises, and much love~

Merci God for guiding me as you do, loving me, and accepting me as I am~ xo

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