Thursday, September 18, 2014

In a Fury~

When you find yourself in a fury, the person you perceive as causing it is your greatest teacher at that moment. That person is teaching you that you have not yet mastered yourself, that you still do not know how to choose peace as that button is being pushed.
When you feel something like anger, practice mustering up the courage to say how you feel without being abusive or loud. You will see that communicating rather than stifling yourself will end the rage almost immediately.

Wayne Dyer~

Thank you for the reminder!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Father Mychal Judge~

You've got the right idea Father Mike!

Lord, take me where you want me to go
Lord, let me meet who you want me to meet
Lord, tell me what you want me to say
Lord, and keep me out of your way 

from Father Mychal Judge, New York Fire Dept. Priest, killed on 9/11/2001
rire Dept. Priest, killed on 9/11/2001