Saturday, August 3, 2013

Days of Gratitute~

I have a funny little story about a co-worker that had treated me quite poorly since I began working with her nearly 4 years ago~  She referred to me as "that new counselor" and "her" and "she"...I often reminded her what my name was but that didn't really help.  I treated her as I treat others even though I often felt hurt and sad.  Our work is tough enough and I didn't understand her but then sometimes I'm just not suppose to understand....  She began to date a man several months ago (her husband had died nearly two years ago) and things didn't go well.  I offered up some words of comfort occasionally and in time she began talking to me about her difficulties...   This morning I mentioned that I was struggling with the loss of my parents, and at the same time, my siblings, for we had not weathered our parents end of life happenings and I am estranged from them that at this time~  She said, "ok", folded her hands, closed her eyes, and said this~
"May God's goodness and light surround you.
  May God's goodness and light fill you.
  May God's goodness and light protect you.
  May God's goodness and light heal you, Cynthia."
She went on to speack about me, my parents, and my brothers and sister as we sat with our eyes closed,   right there in the nurses office (she is a nurse) where we had just finished morning report.  I suppose other staff wandered about us, I do not know.  I just soaked in this unexpected love.  I am grateful for unexpected love today~

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