Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Bucklin Boys~

I like the sound of that, "The Bucklin Boys".

I never knew them but as I sat amongst their family today I was intensely aware of just how special each of them were, are, will always be. I do know their Grandma Karen. She is brave and strong, and in shock.

Luke Bucklin, his 14 years old twin boys, Nate & Nick, and 12 year old son Noah died in a plane crash on Oct 25 in Wyoming as they were returning from a family vacation. They were found one week later, and were returned home ~ to those that loved them. They are survived by Mom, Michelle, Sisters, Sarah & Sami, and little brother, Oliver, 5 years old.

They came amidst a heavy snowfall, our first this year, to say good-bye. Arm in arm, holding hands, tears, many tears, children, grandparents, moms and dads, throngs of children. Friends of Nick, Nate & Noah. Their innocent faces bespoke of a tragedy incomprehensible to them. The loss of 3 friends, and a dad, unparallelled to our big, grown-up understanding of grief.

"Little toy trucks, little toy trains"....their mother sang them to heaven. "Now I lay me down to sleep", mouthed by young, fresh faces, untouched by this kind of loss, as it was sung repeatedly within a song.

Thousands of blue and white balloons guided the "Bucklin Boys" on their way, with a backdrop of fresh, pure white snow. I watched my own balloon travel free and high ~ as I said good-bye.

Deep love and prayers~

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