Monday, December 21, 2015

Love "Your" Window by Mark Nepo

So Wonderful~

No matter how small or old. Keep it 
clean so you can see what comes your way. 
When the lost bird flies into it looking for 
its mate, keep the feather stuck to the glass. 
Take it with you and dream of finding what 
completes you. At the edge of winter, open 
the window of your heart and see your 
breath, how what you bring up becomes 
the air. When you’re ready or pushed, 
close your eyes and the other window 
will appear, the one that faces all of 
time. What flies there never lands, but 
hovers, dropping seeds of infinity in the 
breaks we can’t heal. So open the window 
of your pain, though the whisperers tell you 
to nail it shut, and let in everything that’s 
ever lived. What flies and never lands has 
been waiting. Be brave. Don’t run. Let the 
fire around your window burn until you 
become the opening. 

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