Thursday, December 24, 2015

I've loved the dark, Always~

"I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars."

Happy birthday, Stephenie Meyer! When the Twilight author was four years old, she met her future husband, Christian Meyer. They got married seventeen years later.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Love "Your" Window by Mark Nepo

So Wonderful~

No matter how small or old. Keep it 
clean so you can see what comes your way. 
When the lost bird flies into it looking for 
its mate, keep the feather stuck to the glass. 
Take it with you and dream of finding what 
completes you. At the edge of winter, open 
the window of your heart and see your 
breath, how what you bring up becomes 
the air. When you’re ready or pushed, 
close your eyes and the other window 
will appear, the one that faces all of 
time. What flies there never lands, but 
hovers, dropping seeds of infinity in the 
breaks we can’t heal. So open the window 
of your pain, though the whisperers tell you 
to nail it shut, and let in everything that’s 
ever lived. What flies and never lands has 
been waiting. Be brave. Don’t run. Let the 
fire around your window burn until you 
become the opening. 

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sometimes less is more!

"In our deepest moments we say the most inadequate things."

Happy birthday, Edna O'Brien! The Irish PEN Award recipient didn't know what kind of books she would write—if any—until she stumbled across A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce and realized it was autobiographical. Inspired, she started writing what would become her award-winning debut book, The Country Girls.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Life IS a resilient thing!

"There’s no such thing as ruining your 
life. Life’s a pretty resilient thing, it turns out."
Happy birthday, Sophie Kinsella! The bestselling British author had already published five books under her real name—Madeleine Wickham—when she submitted a manuscript for a breezy chick lit story called Confessions of a Shopaholic. Worried her publisher wouldn't like the new direction, she used Sophie Kinsella as a pen name.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The heart of another~

"The heart of another is a dark forest, always, no matter how close it has been to one’s own." 
American author Willa Cather (born December 7, 1873) only ever owned one house, a secluded summer cottage on Grand Manan Island in Canada. The small home had neither indoor plumbing nor electricity, but Cather liked the fact no one could telephone her there.

This is absolutely the truest thought I've read~ Although we may rush in saying, "Oh I know, Oh I've been there, that exact thing happened to me, Oh I can just feel your pain~   Never can we experience the same feelings, have the same reaction, or truly know how another matter how close.  Our dark forest belongs only to each of us~

Can two minuses make a plus??

Sometimes two minuses make a plus.
--Edith Shannon

What appears to be a problem sometimes turns out to be a most beneficial circumstance. We live only in the present, and it generally takes the perspective of hindsight to get the full meaning of an event. Over the years, we have learned that some of our best lessons actually caused us pain while we were in their clutches. What a relief to be able to see, now, that they had their silver lining. This principle still holds true.

We have had a lot of years to learn to take our experiences in stride, giving them no more weight than they deserve. But it's easy to forget that it's the accumulation of them all that defines who we are. The lost jobs, the friends who left, the hurdles in a marriage all played their part in the people we've become today. We are who we need to be right now.

I can't let a setback set me back today. I am evolving right on schedule.

from Keepers of the Wisdom by Karen Casey