Monday, March 9, 2015

About Alcohol~

Hello Dolly~

I hope this finds you well again, and enjoying today~

It worries me when you "rarely think about alcohol."  We can't afford not to think about alcohol almost every second of forever.  I don't mean in the forefront~ it just has to be a thought that is primary to our daily lives.  If you are doing a morning meditaion, you are thinking about it.  If you are ordering a sparkling water when out, you are thinking about it.  I feel that every move I make is "thinking about alcohol."  It's how I live each a new way (living in a new way means we are thinking about alcohol because of the devastating impact it has on our lives and the lives of those we love) so that I don't return to it's use.  Thinking about it, keeps me humble, healthy, and fearless.  Every step of the Steps is thinking about alcohol.  

I know you will have to think this over : )  I so align myself with you in this way~ 

Your mom-in-law is darling~  I love the "whisper."  She is proud of you~

Love ya~ have a great day!
love above all~

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