Sunday, July 31, 2011

God who knows me~

MERCI~ A second writing with no "Merci" in the photo I attach. The simple pics that I have chosen have spoken to me, through you. A sign of how I am feeling the last two days~ simple joy ~ bursting with quiet serenity, filling up on love, comfort, peace. Merci God for knowing what I need and for allowing me to know who I am again~

I pray for others to know the joy I am able to feel. I pray that others have food, shelter, and clothing, I just pray~

~the sea, the sky, the earth~

Saturday, July 30, 2011

God who knows what I need~

MERCI~ This is what today looked and felt like. A slice of home, garden, quiet, hard work, and accomplishment. Lucious summer fruits, grilling, hand in hand we walk~ knowing! Merci, Merci, I can't say it enough.

Friday, July 29, 2011

God who helps me~

Whatever was I thinking last night~ it was not a blessed day or night. To quickly jot down my thoughts and that they be so far from the truth startles me really. The day was a struggle and the evening was to warm and I had a few to many phone calls~ I stayed up very late and felt groggy today. Today~phew, another challenge for me~a scared, angry soul that happened to find me. I will be getting my first grievance ever~ I was true to myself, kind to her, and told her my wish for her was that she does well. Being threatening and mad toward me, she was, and it felt very threatening. I had strong support~ Being honest with one's self is critical to live a genuine, complete unburdened life. Merci for your love, comfort, and my ability to let go. Tonight, was a restful, supportive, warm night with my sweetie. I AM so blessed.

Why are the past two posting black, white, and gray in color! Cheer up :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dear God~

I guess this has become my daily check-in. Monday and not a good day at work. Just not right for me. Blessed evening with my sweetie and me, and yikes, it's late and I must get my beauty rest. Merci for life and love and laughter even when... Rest well world~

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


What a day~woke at 10am and felt so refreshed and brand new~ Met  Jo for lunch, meeting, coffee with Karen.  God works in mysterious ways as Jo became real today...a little worn but real.   I may get her the Velveteen Rabbit.  Merci God for your grace and for how you do work wonders in my life and the life of others~ "All is well, all will be well."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Have you ever felt a night so peaceful and calm that you couldn't stop the day.  Sitting in the quiet of my home, everyone tucked in..I relish this night, the space, the dark, the peace~

God as I understand him~

Today was sweet, a lot like lace, dainty and light~ A day to be grateful for. Met Dad for his neuro/psych exam and he passed with flying colors, on the very basic of tests that is. No surprise to me as he seems to function at a higher level than even I, remembering each minute detail, pills, appointments, gatherings. And off I ran to do my things, smoothly moving through many "to do's", just me, myself, and I. I like that a lot~ Such a lovely time I had, no bother or chatter, a great time to be~in the midst of an incredibly beautiful summer day~ Merci
"What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other?"                                           George Eliot

Monday, July 25, 2011

God who knows me~

A slight deviation to a piece that does not contain "Merci" in it because I love the colors in this and because I feel like I am holding on for dear life~ Bingo at Mystic~a yearly traditional meeting place, new game. Not feeling settled and I feel worn out. Holding tight to Mother Earth appeals to me. I am very grateful for today and for its lessons~ Merci to you God for having me.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Off to the races we were..I was making good picks today :) Warm sunshine, less humidity, a gorgeous Minnesota day~aside my sweetie. It's been a very good one indeed and I am most grateful. Twas a nice weekend to regroup and refresh ~ it's Monday again tomorrow :) Thank you for your many blessings, they are abundant in my life.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

God who knows me~

Ahhh, my tea and newspaper, preceded by a rolling, rumbling old fashioned Minnesota thunderstorm just about sunrise. A perfect kind of wakening~ Had lunch with Dad~his design of sweet mats, single pads of butter, sitting side by side. A very special moment indeed. God who knows me, thank you~

Friday, July 22, 2011

God who knows me~

The end of the week...of which a week ago Scottie and I were at Tennessee Pass Cookhouse for our last night in Colorado~whew, time passes quickly. Eventful day with some success in understanding, housing, a bike, meeting a payee, some groceries, a warm place to lay, and moving forward, and one standing still. I spoke to you quietly in my office today, asking for your guidance and the right words to express to a family my concerns for their sweet young son~ You always listen and I know you heard~ Merci, I am most grateful.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

time to call it a day and go eat licorice and watch the Tour de France with my sweetie now that it's got a bit cooler, we can enjoy the porch & each other ~~Sweet dreams & Peace~~

God of my understanding~

Love to those I work for..courage, grace, humiliation and shame. Just come, show up, being alive is what matters today~

Happy 10th Month Birthday little Hayden

I love you baby boy. So soft and sweet, kind and gentle. How did I get so, so lucky to have you bless my life. Love to your Mommy & Daddy for caring so well for you that you are such an open, warm little boy. I love you SO much Hayden, Grammie

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Oh my God~

Incredibly beautiful day~ no special reason, wonderful friends, long chats, trust, peace within. One can't ask for more. Sweet love~

Again, God

Meditation for the Day
Be expectant. Constantly expect better things. Believe that what God has in store for you is bettr than anything you ever had before. The way to grow old happily is to expect better things right up to the end of our life and even beyond that. A good life is a growing expanding life, with ever-widening horizons, an ever-greater opportunity for usefulness.

Prayer for the Day
I pray that I may await with complete faith for the next good thing in store for me. I pray that I may always keep an expectant attitude toward life.

Twenty-Four Hours a Day
July 13

I connect so well with this~most of the time. It's a good reminder for me that being expectant, with knowing faith, that good things always happen. Merci God for you!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

God who knows me~

Today has been a lovely day, busy in the garden, removing baby jar labels to hold my beads, laundry, a few errands, time with me~ I'm afraid I may have hurt someone's feelings and I feel sad about that~ You know me and my heart. I am sorry~ Ever grateful for knowing you so well.


As I stumble across pebbles and stones, and the occasional boulder, I cannot help but think that all in all, I am still here, and I wouldn't want to miss one single moment of the life that is being presented to me~

Monday, July 18, 2011

God who knows me~

Thank you for my first day back at work..serving others, and being so grateful for the impact they make on me and hopefully the change I inspire in them. To do what I do can only come from your divine guidance. I am most humbled to so easily enter the lives of others, those whom I have just met and those whom I love so dearly~
10 and tired

Sunday, July 17, 2011


There IS no place like home ~ many thanks for a calm, sweet kind of day!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Many days of thanks to you for keeping us safe, with family, friends, the beauty of the Rocky Mountains, Lake Dillon, the sky, and each other. We are safely home, traveling many miles under your careful watch. I am truly thankful for so many wonderful memories and gifts within each day.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


What a day this has been. I took J to detox~and back home again. How I wish she had stayed. You know she needs us. Merci~ Off to Colorado tomorrow. Katie, Ryan & our little grand~Hayden. Scottie rides his Triple Bypass on Saturday! I drive on alone to Frisco~ I will be talking with you then :) And, I will write again upon my return. Rest easy my friend...all is well~

Monday, July 4, 2011

My God & Me

A sweet little day. Love, Work, Home, Fireworks, me and my sweetie pie! This kinda of looks like fireworks, pretty little pink ones!

Let Freedom Ring~Happy 4th of July

fourth of july fireworks 2011

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Oh God of many blessings~ Fresh air, sunshine, flowers, birds, peace, all in my own backyard~ Merci for the best day ever.

It's a 10 all around
~~I was sitting outside enjoying this incredibly beautiful day, the sunshine, balmy breezes, even made myself a little swimming pool from an "Idgloo" cooler :), and pondering that I would begin to gauge my days on a 0-10 scale when I post my daily "Merci's" (gratitude) to God each day. It crossed my mind that if God gave me this day, would it be fair to gauge it?, being that I am alive and that should be enough. Should every day be a 10? Upon thinking it over, I don't think God's world is perfect 10, I know there are many things that are not the way he would want them to be, some that can be changed and some that no single person has control over. So those being my thoughts, I think God would want to know how I feel about my days. So I may, or may not post a number along side each day's entry~we'll see how I feel and how I think God feels about it.~~

Saturday, July 2, 2011


An absolutely incredible Minnesota day. Outside all day, working in my garden. Hard work and sunshine fills me up beyond words. I am so blessed~

Friday, July 1, 2011

Merci God~

I hope never to forget gratitude during the best of days~